Fundación Meridiano es una institución dedicada a la investigación académica y a la consultoría profesional, con énfasis en las relaciones internacionales y el desarrollo económico. Como Think Tank of strategic issues, we produce analysis and inputs for interpretation and decision making; as well as Do Tank, we carry out articulation, assistance and advisory projects for both the public and private sectors. We are dedicated to analyzing international processes with emphasis on exploring opportunities for Argentina's national development.

Fundada en 2019 por jóvenes profesionales y académicos de múltiples disciplinas, asumimos la responsabilidad generacional de aportar a la construcción de la Argentina de los próximos treinta años.

Esto es: un país con autonomía, capaz de definir sus intereses, construir capacidades y ponerlas al servicio de un desarrollo equilibrado, federal y sostenible.

Actualmente contamos con sedes en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego, Malvinas e Islas del Atlántico Sur y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, desde donde desplegamos nuestras actividades a lo largo y ancho del territorio nacional.

In October 2019, presenting the document "Argentina in the World: building autonomy in uncertainty. Keys for a Foreign Policy of the XXI Century". We counted with the presence of Pablo Tettamanti, Federico Merke, Juan Manuel Abal Medina and more than 100 young professionals interested in foreign policy.
In 2022 we held our annual planning meeting in Chapadmalal, Buenos Aires, with the participation of members from the different parts of the country where we work.

Quiénes somos

Áreas de trabajo:

Geopolitics and World Order

We live in an uncertain world, of that there is no doubt, however geopolitics gives us the keys to find ways of certainty under the teaching of history. This area seeks to explore the dynamics of the distribution of power in the world, emphasizing how it affects us and how, and from where, we Argentines intervene in the global map. If we are not capable, from this corner of the end of the world, of understanding and interpreting the multiplicity of processes that make up the current World Order and its challenges, it will be difficult for us to design a foreign policy that is up to the task.

Thinking from geopolitics implies following closely the events taking place in the rest of the world to understand their identity, power logics, geostrategic complexities, zones of power projection and influence and hegemonic disputes, carrying out a situated analysis. The challenge is to think the world from Argentina. To offer possibilities of analysis, evaluations and proposals from our own view of the world.

overseas relationships

Strategic Affairs and
Foreign Policy

Atravesamos un proceso de reconfiguración sistémica con final abierto en un mundo hiperconectado, donde las decisiones se toman y ejecutan de forma acelerada, a través de múltiples canales y con la intervención de más actores. Desde Argentina, este contexto nos compele a reflexionar sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que se presentan tanto en los campos clásicos de la política exterior, como también en lo relativo a nuevos actores, formas institucionales y fenómenos emergentes que contribuyen a moldear las relaciones internacionales contemporáneas y su devenir. El área es un espacio para el estudio, debate, difusión de ideas y propuestas sobre los diferentes aspectos que constituyen la Política Exterior Argentina: los procesos de  definición de los intereses internacionales en los diferentes niveles estatales, cómo se traducen en estrategias y acciones de política exterior, las dinámicas y actores influyentes, los diseños institucionales para la formulación de políticas, la propia ejecución de las acciones políticas concretas y sus consecuencias.

Economic Development, Finance and
International Trade

En un mundo globalizado, con cada vez más vínculos entre los sectores productivos de sus unidades y con mayor volatilidad en sus componentes, es menester buscar comprender y aproximarse a estos fenómenos desde una visión holística y sistémica. El área de Desarrollo Económico, Finanzas y Comercio Internacional busca desarrollar investigaciones sobre los distintos enfoques de economía política internacional, flujos financieros y vínculos comerciales internacionales y cómo estos afectan y condicionan la política de desarrollo de nuestro país. En este sentido, se desarrollan agendas tendientes a investigación sobre la cooperación hacia el desarrollo, la profundización de la inserción de nuestro país en el comercio internacional de forma inteligente, la búsqueda de financiamiento para proyectos de infraestructura crítica y la proyección de Argentina a nivel internacional.

Gender and Feminisms

The integral development of a country is necessarily linked to the living conditions and prospects of the population in terms of guarantees of dignity and respect for human rights. Along these lines, Argentina is a signatory to the main international conventions and protocols on human rights, women's and children's rights and against all forms of discrimination and violence. Our own history as a country has important conquests of rights from the organization and active participation in the public life of feminisms of the global south.

El área tiene como objetivo indagar en las potencialidades de las políticas de género en los países del globo como motor de transformación y de mejora en la calidad de vida de sus habitantes. En esa línea, impulsamos la adopción de una política exterior feminista para la Argentina quien tiene un camino recorrido que nos convierte en un referente regional en materia de políticas de género y diversidad. Por otra parte, es innegable el aporte de la acción decidida de los movimientos feministas, con sus diversidades, alrededor del mundo para impulsar cambios institucionales y culturales. Es por ello que este área destina una línea de trabajo a la investigación y articulación con estos movimientos que impulsan transformaciones al interior de los Estados.

Defense and International Security

The area of Defense and International Security has two main objectives. First, to analyze and explain global developments related to international security and defense that may affect medium-sized states such as Argentina. Secondly, to investigate and illustrate the way in which defense policy contributes to Argentina's international insertion, evidencing the close connection between international insertion strategies and national defense. Thirdly, we seek to participate in the political discussions related to the Argentine defense policy. Within this framework, with the will to successfully achieve these three objectives, we are strongly committed both to the academic quality that allows a better understanding of national defense issues and to the linkage of these issues with the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies related to national defense.

Energy, Natural Resources
and Sustainability

Argentina in its vast territorial extension (South American, Atlantic and Antarctic) has a great variety of natural resources, many of them strategic, which since the earliest stages of the country have served for the economic development of its population, the generation of energy from different sources and the development of numerous regional economies. The current situation and future scenarios impose the challenges of generating added value, the development of the knowledge industry and the sustainable use of these resources in the short, medium and long term. This is a fundamental task in a world that faces the effects of climate change and the socioeconomic inclusion of a large part of its inhabitants as one of its main challenges.

Science, Technology and Innovation

Desde el área de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología analizamos los fenómenos políticos relacionados con el desarrollo científico y tecnológico, entendiéndolo como un factor fundamental para la política nacional, regional e internacional. Consideramos que es necesario analizar y comprender, desde diversos enfoques, los acelerados cambios económicos y políticos que el avance tecnológico trae consigo y que cada vez se hacen más evidentes. Por esto, buscamos ser un espacio de estudio y reflexión sobre el lugar que ocupa y podría ocupar la Argentina, desde el profesionalismo académico. Estamos comprometidos con alcanzar consensos y generar propuestas para articular entre los diversos actores del sector científico y tecnológico y el Estado, y así diseñar políticas públicas que aporten al desarrollo nacional y favorezcan la inserción argentina en la región y el mundo.

Geopolitics and World Order

We live in an uncertain world, of that there is no doubt, however geopolitics gives us the keys to find ways of certainty under the teaching of history. This area seeks to explore the dynamics of the distribution of power in the world, emphasizing how it affects us and how, and from where, we Argentines intervene in the global map. If we are not capable, from this corner of the end of the world, of understanding and interpreting the multiplicity of processes that make up the current World Order and its challenges, it will be difficult for us to design a foreign policy that is up to the task.

Thinking from geopolitics implies following closely the events taking place in the rest of the world to understand their identity, power logics, geostrategic complexities, zones of power projection and influence and hegemonic disputes, carrying out a situated analysis. The challenge is to think the world from Argentina. To offer possibilities of analysis, evaluations and proposals from our own view of the world".

Defense and National Security

The area of Defense and International Security has two main objectives. First, to analyze and explain global developments related to international security and defense that may affect medium-sized states such as Argentina. Secondly, to investigate and illustrate the way in which defense policy contributes to Argentina's international insertion, evidencing the close connection between international insertion strategies and national defense. Thirdly, we seek to participate in the political discussions related to the Argentine defense policy. Within this framework, with the will to successfully achieve these three objectives, we are strongly committed both to the academic quality that allows a better understanding of national defense issues and to the linkage of these issues with the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies related to national defense.

Economic Development, Finance and
International Trade

In a globalized world, with more and more links between the productive sectors of its units and with greater volatility in its components, it is necessary to seek to understand and approach these phenomena from a holistic and systemic vision. The Economic Development, Finance and International Trade Commission seeks to develop research on the different approaches to international political economy, financial flows and international trade links and how these affect and condition our country's development policy. In this sense, research agendas are developed on cooperation for development, the deepening of our country's insertion in international trade in an intelligent way, the search for financing for critical infrastructure projects and the projection of Argentina at the international level.

Energy, Natural Resources
and Sustainability

Argentina in its vast territorial extension (South American, Atlantic and Antarctic) has a great variety of natural resources, many of them strategic, which since the earliest stages of the country have served for the economic development of its population, the generation of energy from different sources and the development of numerous regional economies. The current situation and future scenarios impose the challenges of generating added value, the development of the knowledge industry and the sustainable use of these resources in the short, medium and long term. This is a fundamental task in a world that faces the effects of climate change and the socioeconomic inclusion of a large part of its inhabitants as one of its main challenges.

Gender and Feminisms

The integral development of a country is necessarily linked to the living conditions and prospects of the population in terms of guarantees of dignity and respect for human rights. Along these lines, Argentina is a signatory to the main international conventions and protocols on human rights, women's and children's rights and against all forms of discrimination and violence. Our own history as a country has important conquests of rights from the organization and active participation in the public life of feminisms of the global south.

The purpose of the commission is to investigate the potential of gender policies in the countries of the world as an engine of transformation and improvement in the quality of life of their inhabitants. In this line, we promote the adoption of a feminist foreign policy for Argentina, which has a long history that makes us a regional reference in terms of gender and diversity policies. On the other hand, it is undeniable the contribution of the determined action of feminist movements, with their diversity, around the world to promote institutional and cultural changes. For this reason, this commission dedicates a line of work to research and articulation with these movements that promote transformations within the States.

overseas relationships

Strategic Affairs and
Foreign Policy

We are going through a process of open-ended systemic reconfiguration in a hyperconnected world, where decisions are made and executed in an accelerated manner, through multiple channels and with the intervention of more actors. From Argentina, this context compels us to reflect on the challenges and opportunities that arise both in the classic fields of foreign policy, as well as in relation to new actors, institutional forms and emerging phenomena that contribute to shaping contemporary international relations and their future. The commission is a space for the study, debate, dissemination of ideas and proposals on the different aspects that constitute Argentine Foreign Policy: the processes of definition of international interests at the different state levels, how they are translated into foreign policy strategies and actions, the dynamics and influential actors, the institutional designs for policy formulation, the actual execution of concrete political actions and their consequences.

Science, Technology and Innovation

The Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology analyzes the political phenomena related to scientific and technological development, understanding it as a fundamental factor for national, regional and international policy. We believe that it is necessary to analyze and understand, from different approaches, the accelerated economic and political changes that technological progress brings with it and that are becoming more and more evident. For this reason, we seek to be a space for study and reflection on the place that Argentina occupies and could occupy, from the perspective of academic professionalism. We are committed to reach consensus and generate proposals to articulate between the different actors of the scientific and technological sector and the State, and thus design public policies that contribute to national development and favor Argentina's insertion in the region and the world.