The strengthening of institutional coordination between the MRECIC and the municipalities represents an opportunity to enhance Argentina's international insertion, contributing to overcoming obstacles associated with municipal internationalization, aimed at seeking a more integrated and federal internal development, contemplating the reduction of asymmetries and imbalances between localities.
Within this framework, the Undersecretariat and the Directorate of National Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Casa Patria Grande "President Néstor C. Kirchner" and the Meridiano Foundation for International Studies and Foreign Policy co-organized the "1st Conference on International Linkage of Local Governments" during April 11 and 12 of this year at the Palacio San Martín.
The main objective of the Conference is to generate a space for debate, exchange of experiences and generation of links between those responsible for municipal executives and actors involved in the analysis, management and projection of the Nation's Foreign Policy as well as Argentine diplomatic representations abroad and foreign representations accredited in our country.
The Undersecretariat of National Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cult (MRECIC), favoring the linkage of municipalities with foreign counterparts, will participate by providing visibility of the tools that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has at the time of enhancing the international management of municipalities, in line with the criteria of coherence and uniqueness and the guidelines defined by the Foreign Policy of the Nation.
The Casa Patria Grande "President Nestor C. Kirchner", whose main objective is to promote dialogue, meeting and cooperation among Latin American peoples to strengthen regional integration, will contribute by bringing closer the work agendas carried out by the embassies and diplomatic representations of Latin America and the Caribbean, seeking to deepen the links between municipal governments and the countries of the region.
Fundación Meridiano, as a think tank dedicated to the analysis, debate, dissemination of ideas and proposals on the different aspects that constitute the Argentine Foreign Policy,will make available its experience in the design of technical assistance projects and its contribution to the development of international management processes at the local level.
Therefore, this Conference, aimed at executive authorities of Argentine municipalities, seeks to offer tools and resources for the promotion of the internationalization of local management, while promoting coordinated and joint work between MRECIC, municipal governments and regional organizations in order to build a common language for the projection of a federal foreign policy.
● To provide MRECIC tools for municipal governments to enhance their international projection in accordance with their local development objectives.
● To promote the professionalization of the international management of municipal governments in line with the Nation's foreign policy.
● Generate spaces for joint work and exchange between municipal governments and foreign embassies and diplomatic representations in our country.
● Encourage the participation of municipal governments in regional and international networks that promote municipal internationalization.
The Congress will consist of two full days of work developed in 2 days. The first day will include, in the morning, an opening and presentation panel and in the afternoon will include a series of meetings with Embassies and diplomatic representatives of countries of the region and other continents in Argentina. On the second day, in the morning, there will be a panel on municipal internationalization projects with examples of concrete cases, followed by a panel on cooperation for development and climate finance. In the afternoon, there will be a space for exchange among participants, to strengthen networking and the links generated from the interests identified by the actors.
Addressed to:
● Intendants or communal chiefs
● Municipal officials
● Academics and civil society institutions with an interest in the subject matter.
● Specialized public
Actors involved:
● Undersecretariat of National Affairs and Directorate of National Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship (SUNAC/DINAC)
● Ambassadors and diplomatic representations in Argentina invited.
● Meridiano Foundation for International Studies and Foreign Policy
● Undersecretariats and provincial directorates for international liaison
Registration at:
Inquiries and information: pensarglobalactuarlocal2023@gmail.com